“21 Darkest Days of the Year” draws from a few chapters from a defunct novel by Ric Albano and is based on real events in his childhood during the late 1970s Listen to the Song: Composed by Ric...
“The Kids’ Table” was written about real life Christmas Eve’s decades back. This song features cool percussive instruments by Ron Simasek and an incredible guitar lead by Bret Alexander. Listen to the Song: Composed by Ric Albano on...
“Intangible Things” was written back in 2018 as one of our first attempts at a Christmas tune. This song focuses on the meaningful vs. the material during the holiday season (“presence not presents!”). Listen to the Song: Composed...
“Wednesday” was originally released as a single in December 2020 and it is a somber song about being alone on Christmas day. Listen to the Song: Composed by Ric Albano on January 7, 2020 From the EP December...
“Lights of December” is a literal title as this acoustic Christmas tune defines many forms of light from a low sunrise to the glow of the snow to Christmas lights to the “little star of Bethlehem”. Listen to...
“Haunted Houses” was written in 2015 and we methodically developed this through several unsuccessful recording attempts through the years until we finally got it right during the basement sessions last year. Listen to the Song: Composed by Ric...
“Your World and Mine” is a folk song written during the sessions for The Good Guys album. Listen to the Song: Composed by Ric Albano on February 21, 2018 From the EP Ancient Sweet Music by Sinclair Soul...