Although originally written as a country/folk song, “San Anton” evolved into the hardest rocking song on The Journey. This pace was set by drummer Ron Simasek, who offered an unambiguous approach which elevated the song’s energy exponentially. The core...
“Good Friday” features both deep and complex philosophical lyrics and an incredibly rich musical arrangement. This song also holds the distinction as being the longest track on The Journey as well as the oldest Ric Albano composition for either...
“Believe” is a simple piano tune with minimal musical arrangement and dialogue lyrics which debate the existence of God. Written by Ric Albano in 2006 and originally included on the 2009 album Imaginary Lines 33. A new version of...
“Found Love” was written by Ric Albano in late 2016 as a tribute to his wife Karyn as they approached their 20th wedding anniversary. The lyrics were written in a single morning at Fort Hunter Park on the banks...
“Long Way Home” is a philosophically rich song written by Ric Albano in 2007. It deals with faith, death and afterlife and was inspired by a dying friend who faced her imminent demise with incredible poise and grace. Since...
This song is probably the least lyrically cohesive on the album, but it is certainly an interesting jam musically. In fact, the recording is a combination of two songs written by Ric Albano around 2006. The remnants of the...
Although it appears last on the album, “Try Again” was the first song I wrote after finding my way back to acoustic guitar last summer. I had played guitar for several years but pretty much abandoned it in the...